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How To Start Your Internet Business Blog Today


How To Start Your Internet Business Blog Today

The 70% of the people would like to have their own home business and the majority of them want to start their own internet business blog today. If you feel connected and want to start  your internet business blog today, then you should look first on this post.


Home Business Facts

First let’s have a quick look in some very interested statistics:


-A new home based business is started every 12 seconds in America

-There are 38 million Home Based Businesses in the USA

-70% of the Home Based Business succeed within 3 years versus 30% of regular business

-44%  of Home Based Business are started for under $5,000

-70% of Americans would prefer to be self-employed

-$427 billion per year is made by Home Based Business


And here is the opposite side of the same coin:

-95% of the home business fail within the first five years

-97% of the home business do not produce any money in the first year

– The 3% of the rest survived business will fail after the period of the 5 year at a 90% rate

– Three times in your life will need to change career or business and move to another industry

-80% of the home business are just one month before bankruptcy or going broke


Your Internet Business Blog As The ideal Home Business Model of 2020

Is the internet business blog the ideal home business model of 2020? The explosion of the social media and the new business trends, push many candidate businessmen in the new technology era. This is not like the 2000 buble, but is a true need and true economy, as the market matured enough and the market potential now competes many offline markets.

Low start up fees and runnign costs is the key to start your internet business blog. In comparison with the bricks and moertar businesses, a fialure could cost more than 200.000 dollars. On the contrary with a couple of thousand dollars, you can make your first internet business blog.

The low barrier of entry points that the level of competition should be high! So you need to get good at blogging and to create a high quality internet business blog with evergreen content.


Categories of Internet Business Blogs

The internet business blogs form a home business perspective can be divided into some brad categories.

– Personal branding internet business blog

– Affiliate internet business blog

– Own Product business blog

– Network marketing business blog

– E-commerce blog

– News blog

-Niche blog


Internet Business Blog Niche

Market niche is so important because of competition.  If we have a small corner local shop, then we have only local competition. We made our market research and we find our market. It can generic or a niche. If we are in a small market we prefer more generic markets. On the internet is exactly the opposite.

The market is huge, the general online stores are thousands for every country, so we have to find a small niche, that has small competition or it is undiscovered or not served. Choose a niche which satisfies both what you enjoy and what the market needs.


Internet Business Blog Content

First you must think as a search engine.

Search engines like google and many others big search engines are making their search based on text. They are not based on animation, videos, photos etc. So bear in mind that a search engine is looking always for good and unique content. Search engines hate duplicated content, it is useless to have the same articles in our blog twice or repeated many times, offering no value to our users at all.

Always ask yourself this question: If you are a search engine, what kind of development resources will help make you more effective? As a major search engine for instance Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.  you will benefit from millions upon millions of dollars of development effort.

Second, you must create real value to the user.

Why to come to your site? Is it a waste of time? are you offering something with real value or not? Are new visitors bouncing on your site or they stay and read?

The third rule of thumb is to offer something for free.

Even offer everything for free! Then the new user thinks if they are offering everything for free on beforehand, imagine what they are going to offer inside! This is one of the basics concepts of attraction marketing or boomerang marketing.  Offer everything for free is the real value to the visitor. They will come back asking more and more again.

So Picture this: Having thousands of thousands of new visitors that are returning to your site because you simply offer to them great value, asking for more. It’s like the candy store effect.

Four, review your content always before submission or after submission.

This is like after post service, it is hilarious but reminds me of the after sales service that offer many high street motor companies such as Toyota. l like Toyota’s strategy and l took many things from them. creating my own marketing strategy.


Internet Business Blog Traffic

As the internet business blog is our central nerve, traffic is like the blood that is inside our vessels. Without traffic the internet business blog will make no money, as nobody will come and see our services. It is like opening a shop in nowhere. After we have starting adding posts in our internet business blog, we need to open a google analytics account and to connect this account with our blog.

We can do this easily by using a WordPress plugin that is called Google Analytics and enables google analytics for all our internet business blog pages.


Internet Business Blog Monetization

An internet business blog monetization is to convert traffic into customer that they will buy from us one of our products or services, in general. Sometimes this would happen by no conversion at all, if we target only to advertising income. After we have built our blog and we are generating traffic, we need to convert this traffic into leads, the leads into customers and then to repetitive buyers, affiliates, partners etc.

That is the general principle. When will we see our blog to produce money? It depends, some people are starting making money for the first month blogging, while others are starting making money on the sixth month! Why is that? Because as every business it has a seed period before the monetization. The seed period will vary from 0-6 months.

How can we turn a visitor to a lead?

By two simple steps.

1. By  Placing an email list opt-in form above in our blog, above the fold.

Above the fold is a little bit of a technical term. It just means to have the email opt-in form high up. This is the center point for my business. As you can see in my  blog, l got an email list opt-in form right there on the right. This is the area above the fold. Why is it above the fold? It’s just above the fold because you can see it without me having to scroll downwards.This is where people join up. It’s very simple. Enter your name and email address and click that button and you are subscribed.

2.Incentivize the opt-in with an on-target offer that filters visitors and prospects.

This is really important. It’s not enough to stick up an email newsletter saying, “Please join my email newsletter,” or something very simple that doesn’t give a reason why. You need to give a reason why they want to join this list in the first place, and that’s the incentive. l personally give away for free the e-book called MLM affiliate magic! That is a great incentive to start with.


Internet Business Blog optimization


We need to have two or four optimization cycles for our site in a year, every three months or every six months. Optimization cycle sometimes means and basic redesign or template improvement. Take care of building better graphics for your audience. In terms of keywords, we have to refrain them if needed and deepen our market niche research.

It’s about time if we have made our decisions of what market niche is more efficient, to keep the proper niche or to try to attract a new one. Think what niche is underserved and make your proper adjustments.

What we need to optimize?

Here is a list:

  1. market niche,
  2. keywords,
  3. domain names,
  4. social media,
  5. content,
  6. graphics and theme,
  7. navigation,
  8. widgets, avoid widget overload
  9. mailing lists, which is the best email ist?
  10. traffic sources, which traffic leads to higher conversion?
  11. monetization sources
  12. copywriting

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I am Yannis Divramis, I am a SEO Expert.

I run the SEO Agency Paramarketing and I am very glad that you’ve watched this video and keep watching the other videos, because we are posting every month many videos about SEO.

So, if you run a website and want to rank higher in Google, you can ask now for a website promotion offer and get a quote for us.

I am Yannis Divramis and I will see you on the next video.

Please binge watch the other videos and buy some Puppy Coin, too! Bye!

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