Which web hosting to choose for my website? When you are seeking for a reliable web hosting, then it is very difficult to decide on which company and which hosting, especially when you are new and it is the first time you have built your website. But after having tested more than a dozen of hosting companies, l believe that one or two are the best solutions for you.
There are three main types of hosting:
Shared hosting
VPS hosting or virtual private hosting and
Dedicated Server Hosting
For a small website with not many traffic, shared hosting is the most opimum choice. In shared hosting, several customers and websites share the same server and the same server resources and in many cases the same IP address. When you are in this point and want ot find a value for money web hosting, then you must read below.
WP ENGINE for WordPress Hosting
WP engine is the ideal choice for a wordpress site, as soon as the company have state of the art know how on theis CMS.
WP Engine offers four WordPress hosting plans, all of which boast unlimited monthly data transfers, automatic daily backups, and malware protection. The hosting plans are fully managed, and that means the webmaster has not many things to do when he chooses a WP engine hosting plan.
Security is at its peaks and many plugins are preinstalled.
Bluehost for every other website and WordPress sites
Bluehost is another major hosting company with many years of experience. They host many websites and it is a good solution for a small to medium sized website. The pros of Bluehost hosting are the following:
Known for high-performance, low-cost shared hosting
FREE website builder with 1,000s of templates
Endorsed by the WordPress.org team as a top WP host
FREE CDN accelerates your site’s page loading
Usually $7.99/month, but our visitors pay $2.95/month
Get started on Bluehost now.
Cloud hosting has no difference with other kind of hosting
Cloud hosting makes no sense today due to the fact that most of the big hosting providers are offering only cloud hosting services.