The 4 D’s of personal branding
Most people fail in life because they fail with themselves. They fail inside and this become visible outside. Personal branding is the process to make you succeed in life and in business with the help of the 4 D’s. l have stumble upon the concept of 4 D’s of personal branding in a website today and l enjoyed this new approach a lot!
l have been in marketing, both network marketing and internet marketing for years and l always new that l was missing something. Many times people came to me and told me: Johnnie you are so handsome!, Johnnie you are so well-educated! and my inner voice answered: Yes l am, but how l monetize this? l didn’t feel comfortable by not making money, while l have so many unexploited virtues! This is a bit hilarious, feel free to comment if you feel related!
The four D’s of personal branding are:
1. Discover You.
Who am I and How Do I want to be perceived? Customer perception is critical and different from the self-image we have for ourselves. If we have a positive self-image, then we have more possibilities to be perceived as a positive person.
2. Define You.
Defining your personal brand theme and logo. Your personal brand as every company’s brand should be defined and be unique. It should have its own design, feel and like and demonstrate the core values that you want to communicate. This cannot happen overnight, but it is a good step tp start. You can make three different branding proposals, have three different themes and pick up which suits you best. Again don’t choose what you think best, but what the perceived customer value says it is. You need another person which is more familiar and experienced with branding to help you.
3. Develop You.
Creating a Personal Brand Action Plan. This can be as simple as from starting your own blog, making your own logo, your own photos and slogan. Moreover you can build your own signature, l have made mine with wisestamp which is also a free service!
You have to offer to your customers or prospects some value. Doctors and other professional are spending 10 years of their lives to add value to themselves in order to offer this value to their customers. You don’t need to wait 10 years! Start today by offering whatever value you have. If you don’t have many to saw, develop yourself! Start reading, listening to webinars or audio, join some courses in Personal and Profesional Development, you will love it!
4. Demonstrate You.
Marketing your Personal Brand. Personal branding it’s not only about marketing, but marketing is about personal branding! The 4 D’s will help you demonstrate and expose you to the masses. Massive and continuous exposure is the solution to successful personal branding. You can demonstrate you by video marketing, blogging, article writing, public relations posts. Video marketing and YouTube is a very good choice. l have done my first steps building my first videos and company presentation, and l will make more. Many people like videos instead of text and they are more optical persons. When you gain some experience, you can organize your first webinars, online seminars, and blog radio calls!