Three basic tips in SEO for evergreen results
Hello guys, after a long lovely summer, travelling and bathing in the Greek Islands, it is time to get back to work and to talk about my and your l think favorite topic, which is SEO.
Every respectful SEO expert on the internet tends to be analytic, and because SEO is analyticall by itself then the things are getting even worst.
After a post or two nobody that is not a SEO expert or at least with a year foundation in SEO and the search engines, cannot understand a word. It sound that all about SEO and SEO tips are all Greek to the beginner or the outsider.
So, taken into consideration that, l wanted to simplify the basics to make them more comprehensive for the average website owner who wants to promote his website.
Instead of writing about the 200 hundred SEO ranking factors or the top 30 SEO tips, l picked up the best 3 that worked for me when l started with SEO, several years ago and l think it will work for you.
In the context below you may find some unknown words or some terminology that you may not understand from scratch but that is ok.
It is not prerequisite for an internet business owner or a websmaster to know every new technical word. However, if you cannot implement what l suggest, you can always ask for the experts advice at any time.
Moreover, you can read more later when you would be in a more advanced level about what to do next in SEO. But bear in mind that what matters more is to stick with the basic, whatever the circumstances are.
If you follow the three basic tips you can raise your organic traffic in 6 months by 400% or more!
Are you fired up? Read more below.
1 Find what your average clients search for
Every market niche has different basic keywords that are bringing the money in. These are with a simple phrase the money keywords. Not all keywords have the equal power so learing the most infulential keywords for our defined market niche is a good start.
Tha money keywords are words and phrases that our potential clients are looking for and typing on Google before they come to visit a website to buy something.
For my business the basic and most important keywords are SEO, SEO agency, and for local SEO services could be SEO New York, SEO agency New York.
For a plumbing business could be Plumber New York, New York Plumbing services etc.
By knowing this single step you can go to step 2.
2 Write evergreen content to cover your potential clients needs
The second step is to cover the informational needs of our potential clients and provide them with good and evergreen information about his or her search needs.
We need to understand that search engines are not indexing websites and domains. They are indexing the content a website have and try to match the best, the most relative and important content for you, the final user of Google.
You need to provide only evergreen content and posts, and by saying that l mean that you need to include a blog on your website.
If you have a WordPress website, that is allright because it has a blog by default. If you run a custom design website, you can add a WordPress blog and start writing some posts to cover the basic information needs of your customers.
There is no need to be a professional writer, provided that your are a professional on your niche. You can hire another writer or journalist that has better writing skills to develop the posts you want. You only have to write the oultine of your web post and hand it for enrichment.
Usually l write the posts of my blogs by myself, as l like writing and rarely l use the ghost writing services we offer. l love writing and even l am not a native english speaker, after many years of snglish schooling, my writing skills are better than the average american.
It doesn’t matter if you cannot make a good infographic or a compelling video, a good 900 words to 2000 words post is enough to rank on Google and be found from your future customers.
A good blog post will also make you known to your customers as an expert on your niche and many of them would come back to your website looking for more.
That means you need to add new fresh and evergreen content periodically, at least one time per month. And please do stick to this rule if you want to raise traffic and find new customers without doing Google Ads.
3 Make some posts to the local or national blogs
The third step had to do with promoting your website in the search engines by creating some good quality backlinks. The only thing to do is to find some other good quality blogs, news magazines on the internet, local blogs or national blogs or even niche blogs and host a post on them.
Instead of writing a post for your blog, you can write a post for their blog. You must write for the exact samemoney keywords by using different phrases and wording.
Try not to copy anything from somewhere else. A very basic rule to rank on Google is to have and to create unique content. Copied content can be harmful for your ranking on the long run.
Again you must stick to this basic rule and find at least a couple of blogs every month. You need at least 2 new blogs for the next 6 to 12 months in order to rank your website higher on the search engines results.
If you still have difficulties in doing that, or you do not have free time, you can always ask for a SEO expert to help you. Feel free to contact us and to ask for a quote today.
See more tips and posts about SEO:
- YouTube video SEO optimisation tips
- The Importance of Social Networking
- Retaining Traffic for the Long Term