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200 SEO Google ranking factors revisited – Part3 Are still working today?

200 SEO Google ranking factors revisited – Part3 Are still working today?

How to outrank your competition and take the first positions on Google today!

Hello everybody! I am Yannis Divramis,

I am a SEO expert from Greece, that’s the reason I have this funny accent.

I am your SEO expert for this video and we are going to talk about Google 200+ factors part 3.

Which from them are still working and we have to take into account?

See theprevious 2 parts:

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So, let’s go to the final groups of SEO factors, but before we do that if you run a website and want a free SEO review you can claim it right now by clicking on the link

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MyIP is an international web hosting service with extremely fast hosting servers. So, PARAMARKETING50 is the code.

Usability and User Interaction

Let’s dive deep in SEO. In Greek we use the word “σεο” and that’s the reason sometimes I mix it up and I use that word instead for SEO.

We have been in the User Interaction factor. As you know Google’s algorithm is changing every year, about 3.000 – 3.500 times, but the main factors are still in use and user interaction factors have to do with

1. Organic Click Through Rate for a keyword. CTR is still a huge ranking factor and it’s more important today than 5 or 10 years ago.

2. Organic CTR for all keywords. The CTR for all keywords is very important in order to give us a boost for the other keywords as well.

3. Bounce rate. The lower the better. If you have a high bounce rate, it is not a good signal for Google, it is a low-quality signal.

4. Direct traffic and direct hits. As you know that means that the emails and email marketing is direct distribution to your website, so it is an indirect ranking factor.

5. Repeat traffic. Repeat traffic means that the user what came one time and visited your site twice is a good factor, a quality signal.

6. Blocked sites. If your site is blocked from other websites, that is negative SEO. That means you are spam or you send spam emails. This not a good signal for your website, but you need to be careful if you have shared hosting.

Then your site will be affected by the same IP that you share with the other websites. You need to have a clean shared hosting plan with no penalties and a clean White Hat IP.

7. Chrome bookmarks. If you have bookmarked your site in Chrome, this is ranking signal according to Google. I never met that before but it is very interesting to make a test in this and see what happens next.

8. Google Toolbar data. Google Toolbar data does no longer exist, but it was a ranking signal that has been depreciated nowadays.

9. Comments. The highest the comments the better, especially if you run a YouTube channel.

10. Dwell time. Dwell time is still a ranking factor.

Dwell time is the time when someone clicks on your website that has been on the search results page and then came back and left in order to find something else, because he didn’t find what he wanted on our website. So, it is very important that someone finds on your website what is important for him.

11. Query deserves freshness. That means how fresh are the websites and the content of the websites.

Special algorithm rules


Special algorithm rules is another group of SEO ranking factors.

1. Query deserves diversity. The diversity of your that your website is ranking for is important.

2. User browsing history. The personalized search results, as I told you before

3. User search history, personalized results.

4. Geo targeting and the Local SEO is also important.

5. Safe search. Your site should have SSL or https.

6. Google+ circles. Google+ is deprecated, it does no longer exist and it isn’t a ranking factor today.

7. DMCA complaints. If you have DMCA complaints is a negative factor, because Google deindexes the pages with DMCA complaints.

8. Domain diversity. That means the market niche of your domain name, if you are on a specific niche. If you are plumbers, you cannot rank for electricians or other keywords.

9. Transactional searches. How many searches have led to a transaction? This counts as a ranking factor for e-shops and e-commerce websites.

10. Local searches. If you have a local site, the Local SEO is about local searches. If you rank high in the local searches, then you will get more clicks and you will rank higher.

11. Google News box. If your site is on Google News it gets an extra boost.

12. Big brand reference. So, Google gives the big brands always a boost. On the contrary, the small brands and the no name sites are not taking this boost.

13. Shopping results. If you are included in the shopping results then you will get more traffic and the algorithm will rank your site higher.

14. Image results. As we can notice on the Google search page in see image results, many times we search for an image in order to find something that is very good or interesting and we can click on the image and get on the website.

It is not a very critical factor but sometimes it can give you extra clicks.

15. Easter egg results. I never heard about this before.

16. Single site results for brands. So, if we search for a brand, for instance Paramarketing, we click on the site and get on This will make my site rank higher in the general Google results.

Social signals

Social signals are counting for only 3.5% of the total ranking factors and the total algorithm of Google.

It’s not very important today, but is good to have some social signals and social proof for our website in order to make it feel real and habitable, that people are coming inside.

1. Number of tweets.

2. Authority of Twitter user accounts.

3. Number of Facebook likes.

4. Number of Facebook shares.

5. Authority of Facebook user accounts. Beware of the fake accounts.

6. Pinterest pins.

7. Votes on social sharing sites in general. Reddit, VKontakte, LinkedIn, Tumblr.

8. Number of Google+ ones. Google+ one doesn’t exist.

9. Authority of Google+ user accounts. This doesn’t exist.

10. Known authorship of Google EAT, very important.

11. Social signal relevancy. It’s better to take social signals from groups or pages that are relevant with our website.

12. Site-Level social signals. That means you have social signals on the first page of your website.

Brand signals

And let’s go to the brand signals.

1. Brand name anchor text. We need some branded keywords to point to our website.

2. Branded searches. Very important as I told you before.

3. Site has Facebook page and likes. We need to have a Facebook page for social proof and Google EAT, to show Google that we are real company, a real business behind this website and not another PBN site.

4. Site has twitter profile with followers.

5. Official LinkedIn company page. We have one, you can visit mine.

6. Employees listed on LinkedIn. This is still a ranking factor for Google to be a company. Companies rank higher than no name and amateur websites.

7. Legitimacy of social media. Are they real, are they fake? Do you have fake likes?

8. Brand mentions on new sites. Only mentions by name make sites rank higher.

9. Co-Citations. As I told you before, the brand mentions are identical with co-citations.

10. Number of RSS subscribers. RSS are still in use today, but I don’t that it is a huge ranking factor this one for Google.

11. Brick and mortar location with Google+ local listing. If you are a local business, this will give you a boost and will prove that you are a legitimate website.

12. Website is tax paying business. I don’t know if they have a link with IRS, but Google can understand with its algorithm if you are a real business or not, very funny.

On-Site Web Spam Factors

Let’s go to the other group, on-site webspam factors.

This is about negative SEO.

Negative SEO still exists and has to do with many factors that we’re gonna talk right now and you can take them into consideration when you are ranking your website.

If your site has been penalized, you can fight it by visiting Google Search Console and you can see it on the messages that you receive. You will receive a bad and nasty message and you will understand that you have undergone a manual Google penalty or manual action.

This is very rare. If you haven’t seen it before, that means that your site is good and doesn’t have a penalty. So, let’s go to the negative SEO.

1. Panda penalty.

2. Links to bad neighborhoods.

3. Redirects or sneaky redirects.

If your redirects are healthy, for instance you had a page to redirect to another page because you have changed or deleted the first page, then there is no problem. But if you redirect to porn sites or gambling sites or there is a pop-up which redirects to somewhere else, that is a red signal for Google.

4. Popups or distracting ads. Rou can still use pop-ups but not to cover the whole monitor of your website, especially if you have a smartphone.

5. Site over-optimization. Site over-optimization means that you use too match SEO on-page, too much keyword density, written only for Google and search pages and not for people. Over-optimization is not good.

You can optimize your site in one extent. What extent? We will talk about this in another video, so subscribe and like the video.

6. Page over-optimization. We have over-optimization on the whole site, on the first page and in separate pages, because Google sees every page differently and you can have a side wide penalty or in one page of the website.

7. Ads above the fold, that hides the context of the website.

8. Hiding affiliate links. As you can understand, Google hunts affiliate sites and doesn’t think that are of such good quality as the other sites.

9. Affiliate sites in general.

10. Autogenerated content. You need to write by yourself and not use computer or spinners to write the content.

11. Excess PageRank sculpting. If you are taking too much backlinks from other websites just in order to raise the PageRank of your page or your website.

12. IP address flagged as spam.

13. Meta tag spamming. You can use only 10 tags in the meta tag boxes, no more. I think that 10 tags are enough to give signal to Google what your site is about.

Off-Site webspam factors

1. Unnatural influx of links. How many backlinks are too many links? You need to build links slowly and not at too fast pace.

2. Penguin penalty. You know the Penguin Penalty update; you need to have a quality site and to abide by the rule of Google.

3. Link profile with high % of low-quality links. Too much low-quality links is a negative SEO factor.

4. Linking domains relevancy. You need relevant domain names pointing to your website and not irrelevant. For instance, if you are a butcher shop to have a link from the President or the Government site.

5. Unnatural links warning. If you ever got a warning from Google Search Result, this is not a good sign. You have to take action in order to stop this.

6. Links from the same class C IP. You need link diversity from different class C IPs.

7. Poison anchor text. Poison anchor text is using the same anchor text or anchor text that is irrelevant, spam anchor texts, drugs, sex, porn, gambling, Viagra. This is not a good sign for Google.

8. Manual penalty.

9. Selling links. It’s a red flag.

10. Google Sandbox is when a website is ranking for the first time in Google and Google needs at least 3-12 months in order to understand what your site is about and waits until your site starts ranking for real.

11. Disavow tool. If you had disavowed backlinks, these links are not counted by Google to rank your website, but this is a negative ranking factor. I never disavow links on my website, because this has a negative effect on the website.

12. Reconsideration request is still a negative ranking factor. Even if you make a reconsideration request, I don’t think that your site will recover 100%. You will still lose some traffic in between.

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So, if you run a website and want to rank higher in Google, you can ask now for a website promotion offer and get a quote for us.

You can also ask for a free SEO review by visiting and I will see you on the next video. Bye!

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